Last month our ATC instructor, Evelyn, gave us all these cute skeletons to dress up and return this month-we'll all vote and a prize will be awarded.
Mine is wearing transparencies of haunted houses and is embellished with Tim Holtz metal numbers, philosophy tag, jump rings and a clasped chain to hang it from.
Hope I win, but probably too freaky for my cohorts!!
Just returned from a wonderful trip to San Simeon/Cambria for an ArtRereat! I've never attended one before - it was AWESOME. I can't wait to do it again next year. It was put on by The Stamp Art Shoppe in Roseville, CA - Sandy and Richele did THE BEST job putting together their first retreat! VERY GENEROUS goodie baskets and lots of fun projects made this retreat a winner!! I still can't believe I was able to make some of the projects we did!!
I'll post pictures as soon as I get unpacked - am off this weekend for a camping trip - so maybe Monday??