Sunday, February 19, 2012

La Maison Fantome

Assemblage class with Michael DeMeng in NOLA. A week of good food, architecture, tours, cemeteries, voodoo ceremonies, and ART. 

 Fried shrimp & hush puppies at Cajun Cabin on arrival. We'd been up since 4:30am California time and it was about 3:30 New Orleans time. We only had a small snack on the plane and we were starving! This hit the spot!!
 A band marched by as we were eating lunch.
 Outside our hotel, The Inn on Bourbon.
 In the hotel lounge.
 Night scene on Bourbon.

 The Voodoo Temple where we had our welcoming meet & greet and a blessing ceremony for our creativeness. Following are shots from inside the museum.

This patio had a somewhat creepy vibe. Found out later that an extremely gruesome murder took place in the apartment above the museum.  This is priestess Miriam.

More pics later....

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